maybe you'll wait for me
帶著monkey緩緩散步時,我才看見時間流逝的痕跡。夏天走了之後,河邊的景緻變了不少,光禿的樹枝、滿地的落葉、漸漸提早沒入黑暗的山景,當然還有那份涼意。我開始懷疑自己是不是再也見不到那位男孩,因為我已經忘記他的樣子、想不起他的臉孔...,剩下不可靠的印象以及更多的假想。"what if" 依舊是 "what if"
For now it's too late,for you may not wait
and things that I have yet to know vanish before they're complete
I may turn around to see if you're still there
but as for now, it's just not safe
Maybe you'll wait for me
Maybe you're gone
For now it's too late,for you may not wait
and things that I have yet to know vanish before they're complete
I may turn around to see if you're still there
but as for now, it's just not safe
Maybe you'll wait for me
Maybe you're gone